New as a manager

Von der Teamrolle zur Führungspersönlichkeit: Entdecken Sie Ihren Weg zum erfolgreichen Leader

Taking on a management position brings with it new challenges. Dealing with these challenges can open up great opportunities as well as harbor risks. To be successful as a manager, it is crucial to start the role well prepared, actively shape the role-finding process, avoid typical rookie mistakes and thus promote effective and motivating collaboration with your team.

Master your new leadership role: the key to success

Your new role as a manager opens up a wide range of creative possibilities and opportunities for personal development. In order to fully utilize these, it is important to understand the different leadership styles and to use them in a targeted manner. Discovering your personal leadership style is a crucial step on this path. You should ask yourself what makes a good manager. One of your tasks as a supervisor is to control and give confidence. Personality training and self-awareness can be valuable aids in meeting these requirements and developing your own personality.

From team member to manager: navigating the role change

As a manager, you take on central communication and optimization tasks that are crucial to the success of your team. An essential part of your role is conducting appraisal interviews and assessing your team members. It is important to deal with the generational differences in the team in order to communicate effectively and utilize the strengths of each individual. Delegating tasks to long-standing team members and setting clear goals are other key elements that contribute to successful team leadership. By continuously developing and expanding your leadership position, you not only strengthen your team, but also your own leadership skills.

On the way to successful and high-performing teams

A strong team is the key to success. Motivated employees are more committed, productive and creative. Good leadership is needed to exploit this potential and achieve top performance.

Successful employee management is a continuous process that requires constant commitment and adaptation. By encouraging your employees’ motivation, strengthening your own leadership skills and promoting team cohesion, you create the conditions for top performance and long-term success.

Strategies for dealing with difficult situations

Conflicts in everyday working life are unavoidable. As a manager, it is important to deal with this competently and create a constructive working atmosphere.

Confident leaders are characterized by their ability to resolve conflicts constructively, recognize their own weaknesses and work on them. By continuously developing these skills, you strengthen your leadership role and create a positive and productive working environment for your team.

Remember: conflict management is an important leadership skill that needs to be constantly developed. If you apply the strategies presented in this text and are open to new challenges, you will be able to manage conflicts with confidence and strengthen your leadership skills.

We may not be fans of statistics, but...

60% of millennials aspire to management training. This generation, which makes up the majority of the workforce today and will continue to play a key role in the future, shows great interest in qualifying for future management tasks.

48% of managers prefer further training by external coaches and practice-oriented development projects. They want structured, task-related training that takes place outside the company.

39% of managers prefer formal, personal training formats. For managers, face-to-face training is seen as more effective than online formats or courses.

The topics of our leadership training

Leading at a distance - leading with trust

Digitization is permanently changing our working world. Teams are distributed across different locations or home offices. Managers can no longer use traditional methods to manage teams that are organized virtually. The central question is how leadership works in digital times. The training deals with the new managerial quality to lead virtual teams at a distance.

Feedback workshop: Communication that connects

Feedback is one of the most powerful methods for promoting personal and professional development. It enables not only the recognition of achievements, but also the constructive criticism that is essential for growth. In this workshop, participants learn how to give and receive feedback in a way that expresses appreciation, even when it comes to difficult topics. The aim is to create a culture of openness and continuous learning in which feedback is seen as an opportunity for improvement.

Developing and expanding leadership skills

Participants will learn practical tips and implementation possibilities for leading employees in a goal-oriented and motivated manner.

Without organization and leadership, chaos quickly results. Every organization, every company needs leaders who have the necessary techniques to implement goals efficiently. In this training, the demands on a leader, the reflection of one’s own leadership behavior and concrete techniques for employee and target agreement discussions are trained. Techniques for dealing with difficult employees and the art of delegation round off the seminar.

83% of companies say that leadership development is important - but are they doing enough?

Together we can shape the future of your managers and your company.

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