Change Management & Transformation

Initiate, implement and accompany change processes

Everyone experiences profound changes in their lives and values. The only certainty we have is that everything will change. Those who view change positively have a greater chance of being more satisfied with their lives. Instead of seeing change as the end of something, we learn to see it as the beginning of something new.

"You can't stay alive if you keep biting into the same apple."

Those who are flexible are happier. We accompany your company and your employees on the way to this realization and this feeling and thus to the active co-creation of change processes through suitable concepts, workshops and coaching.

Occasions for change workshops are:

Over the past ten years, ML-spectrum has developed a range of accompanying services that enable companies to initiate, implement and successfully complete organizational development and change processes.

Topics of our workshops

Change support "digitization" for employees

You are taking a step-by-step approach to digitization – and the first steps have already been successfully implemented, with a high level of employee acceptance. Paper-oriented processes have become digital workflows. Direct communication remains the focus, but digitally affine customers are also to be retained.

However, employees are afraid of the change and the associated transparency, control, job loss as well as problems resulting from the use of new technology.

Then modular transformation support is the solution.

Opportunities resulting from digitalization are worked out. The team is the focus, the mindset is strengthened and strengths are identified. Understanding for the market and the requirements are developed. The participants’ own feelings and thought patterns are explored, strengths are promoted, and how to deal with challenges is practiced – with transfer to everyday life – with the goal of sustainable change.

Strategic innovation management

“Everyone can learn from the past. What matters today is learning from the future.” (Hermann Kahn, American strategist and cyberneticist).

We accompany you in developing future-proof products, services and services for the “Digital Age”. In doing so, we do not leave innovations to random inspirations, but systematically develop customer-centric solutions to generate competitive advantages and growth.

Develop digital business models

„There‘s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance.“ (Steve Balmer, CEO Microsoft, 30. April 2007).

We guide you through a structured process that shows you how to systematically develop and implement digital business models. Using state-of-the-art methods, we develop innovative business models that you can prioritise and evaluate from the customer’s perspective, generating competitive advantages and future business opportunities.

You want to know what offers we have in store for you?

Then book an appointment for an initial non-binding discussion.

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