
We turn your employees into service and sales professionals - analog & digital!

For all those who know that no customer can be won without trained employees. We offer our service and sales training courses for employees in both B2B and B2C environments.

In the area of direct contact with end customers, our training courses range from new customer acquisition and existing customer care to winning back cancelled customers.

Target groups we support in the B2C environment include:

In our in-house service and sales training in the B2C area, you will learn how to reach your customers. Because motivated and excellently trained employees are the prerequisite for your success. Sales methods that we use in trainings focusing on the B2C sales process are for example:

Target groups we support in the B2B environment include:

Service and sales training for in-house sales staff

From new customer acquisition to customer care

In our sales training courses, we show participants in the customer center, for example, how to sell successfully on the telephone, and participants in the retail sector how to approach customers actively, work out their needs, offer the right solution and conclude discussions successfully. After all, a customer who you persuade to say “yes” with good formulations also sees you as a professional partner whom he trusts in up- and cross-selling. This results in satisfied customers, recommendations and thus more profit for your company.

on the Job

In coaching on the job, our trainers work intensively with their coaches to improve communication, e.g., in the customer center or in the store with the interlocutors – with accurate formulations and benefit-oriented argumentation. Our experts accompany your employees in their daily work – with the aim of convincing your customers in their day-to-day business. You remain authentic because you speak the language of your customers.

Your advantages from feedback and practical relevance

Our coaching at your workplace ensures double feedback: Our trainer optimizes your day-to-day business with his practical advice and you experience the success of your sales training very directly in your dealings with your customers, because you test what you have learned again and again and continue to optimize it through the trainer’s feedback. You immediately implement what you have learned in your day-to-day work – this ensures transfer and sustainability.

Customer proximity from complaints

Complaints are an opportunity to win the loyalty of your customers through constructive dialog. The customer who contacts you by phone or comes to your branch to express his dissatisfaction should be convinced at the end of the conversation that you are still the right partner for him. With your product knowledge, your good conversational skills and your own reflected attitude, you will succeed in ensuring that your customers remain your customers even after complaints – in our sales training, we will show you how to achieve this goal: With understanding and empathy, but without giving the conversation out of hand. Convince even dissatisfied customers: You are better than your competitors – this is especially evident when dealing with complaints.

Solving conflicts constructively

In our sales trainings, you will learn how to safely handle difficult situations on the phone or in the branch and how to best behave in typical conversation situations. To avoid conflicts as far as possible, we practice the rules of a good conversation with you. In your everyday life, however, conflicts will occur again and again in conversations in which it seems almost impossible for both sides to deal with differences of opinion objectively. We provide you with the means to control your own behavior and to persuade your conversation partner to adopt a constructive attitude. After all, at the end of a difficult conversation, your customer should have the good and justified feeling of having come closer to his goals through constructive dialog.

Appear confidently, sell successfully

Successful conversational leadership in sales is particularly important when it comes to acquiring new customers with a convincing appearance. You will learn how much the success of these conversations depends on your inner attitude and how you can achieve your goal more effectively with benefit-oriented argumentation when acquiring new customers.

Sales training for your field staff

From the first impression to the order, hardly any area is as sensitive as this. Starting with the greeting and the famous “first impression” to the farewell without determining the next steps and concrete measures. Who hasn’t had the experience of forgetting to ask their interviewer for recommendations?

This is where checklists and conversation guides can help you and your customers.

We live in a market where products are becoming more and more alike. This means that there are fewer opportunities to stand out from the competition through the product portfolio. The decisive differences today are more than ever the service, the services & the sales force.

He who stands still
will be overtaken

This includes both the development of new, future-proof products on the one hand and the further training of sales personnel on the other. We show you how you can act more easily and efficiently in your daily work. How to gain more sales and satisfied customers. Your products are the “duty” to be able to exist on the market. Your sales are the “freestyle”. In our workshops, we work on how you, as a sales representative, can make your “freestyle” even more efficient.

Practical sales training for more success with customers

The balance sheet of your company is written right here, with the customer, where listening carefully, asking the right questions and recognizing the real customer needs and the added values for the customer have a decisive influence on the result.

The ML-spectrum sales trainers have exactly those seminars, trainings and workshops in store for you, which will make your employees better and better. If you wish, we can also accompany you to your customers and coach you on site. We call this FieldCoaching, probably the most effective way for maximum learning success.

On request, we complement training and coaching with new media. These include live online training, videos, podcasts or collaborative learning in groups (MS Teams etc.). Ask us about solutions for your requirements.

Identifying new sales potential even with existing customers

You should see and use your internal sales force as an instrument for increasing your sales. When you take an order or advise a customer on a particular product, it’s important to also point them to additional services or products that better meet your customer’s needs. In successful cross-selling or up-selling, your customers recognize the benefits when they decide to purchase additional services or a higher-quality product as a result of your advice. In our workshop, you will learn how to successfully close deals so that more customer contact pays off for you – take advantage of additional sales potential, even with existing customers.

Confident in sales

In our trainings you will also get to know yourself better so that you can use your talents optimally. We help you to break down mental barriers so that you can achieve your goals more effectively and nothing can upset you.

Being able to block out disturbing influences is an important aspect in difficult customer situations and negotiations. This is also part of our training. There is a good reason why top athletes also rely on mental training, because they know: Discipline is an important prerequisite for top performance.

Improve your chances of success on the phone –
with ML-spectrum service and sales trainings

You thought it would be easier to get an appointment with your customer on the phone? Do you think your sales force could make you more money if they made more appointments to talk to customers? Then rely on our sales training.

Customer-oriented telephoning is all about successfully using the telephone conversation to initiate a personal customer meeting. In our sales training for call centers, we show you how to optimally prepare for telephone conversations. From a pleasant voice to conducting the conversation and effectively preparing the information for your sales representative, you will learn the means to successfully conclude a telephone conversation with an appointment. With our training we accompany your everyday work – together we develop tools that will prove their worth to you every day. We will find ways to convince your customers and even win them over with a surprise.

More response

The sound of your voice is also important if you want to win over customers – especially on the phone you also convince with non-verbal signals. In our voice and speech training, you will learn how to use your voice in a targeted manner to radiate more competence and how to increase the attention of your listeners. You will practice using your own voice more confidently – the successes of our voice training will give you even more self-confidence. Use the potential of your voice and learn how to influence the behavior of your counterpart non-verbally – because the right tone matters.

Communicate in a friendly, professional and confident manner on the phone at all times – this will make it easier for you to convince your customers of yourself and your products, because both sides always benefit from good communication. Therefore, rely on a sales training by ML-spectrum because we show you your deficits in customer communication and develop practical solutions – because who acts confidently, has it easier to convince his customers.

Our trainings turn your employees into service and sales professionals!

With our help, you can learn in your daily work what you can specifically improve in communication with your customers.

You want to launch into a successful future together with us?

Take the first step - with a free consultation appointment.

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