Leading teams

The story of successful team leadership

Imagine you are the captain of a ship on the high seas. Every day brings new challenges and unknown waters to explore. Your team is made up of different personalities, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, expectations and motivations. Your task is to mould these different characters into a harmonious and efficient whole.

Our training on the subject of “team leadership” is like a journey through these uncharted waters. You will learn how to read and apply the personality analysis map to better understand both your own needs and those of your team. With each step on this journey, you will sharpen your perception and recognise how you can approach your management tasks in a more targeted and effective way – even in turbulent times.

Imagine you have the psychological tools to change attitudes and behaviour. You will learn how to not only support and motivate your team, but also how to improve cooperation in the long term. You remain calm in the midst of conflicts and know exactly which tools you need to use to overcome difficult situations and get your team back on track.

In exchange with other experienced captains – your fellow participants – you will have the opportunity to receive professional feedback and try out new behaviours. Every course is a valuable opportunity to reflect on your leadership behaviour and gain new perspectives.

Join us on this exciting journey and discover how you can successfully lead your team to achieve any goal together. Welcome on board!

Our training topics for your team

Learning journey: Developing leadership skills

In our “Leading teams” training programme, team leaders learn practical strategies for self-regulation and emotional control in order to put themselves in an optimal state and set an example of personal responsibility. You will develop sales skills to coach and motivate employees, as well as effective leadership strategies to build genuine rapport with employees. Each module contains parts of the others to ensure consistent training and to support the transfer into everyday life through many exercises.

Team development

Together Everybody Achieves More

Except for a very few, all people work in a team. In this respect, it does not matter whether as a member, team leader, department head or higher in the hierarchy, even the family is a team. For optimizing the interaction of all members as a group, team development is an extremely functional tool.

It is of crucial importance how one behaves in a team, how a team is set up, how it should or could be set up and how it is managed, especially in change situations.

Through joint actions in the team, cohesion is strengthened, new team members quickly get to know each other and are integrated into the team. Not the work, but the person and the common togetherness are in the foreground.

You can choose from these and other options:

Our training topics for your team

Current topics for team days

Teams, departments or organizational units often talk about problems, grievances that need to be remedied, colleagues and managers who are constantly “grumbling” or “bad conditions” … but not in a goal- and solution-oriented way.

Team development therefore means dealing with precisely those topics that are pending/important in order to work effectively (or more effectively) as a team and department on the goals and tasks and, above all, on the team.

Promoting learning and knowledge transfer in the team

How to ignite enthusiasm for self-organized knowledge sharing in your team.

The half-life of knowledge is decreasing ever faster. Particularly in a professional context, a constant willingness to learn is therefore becoming a must and an indispensable new-work-future skill in the team and for each individual. But why do many employees find it so difficult to develop their skills on their own initiative at work, even though they find it easy to do so in their private lives? How can I, as a manager, enable my team to exchange ideas in a motivated, cooperative and collaborative manner in order to make faster progress together? How can the workplace be redesigned to promote the fun of learning and collaborating together?
These questions and more will be answered in this workshop.

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Take the first step - with a free consultation appointment.

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