Planning & creativity

Project management was and is a necessary core competence

Increasing complexity, especially in change and transformation projects, and the rapid pace of technological change bring challenges that require project management know-how.

In our practice-oriented seminars, you will learn the necessary tools for controlling and leading projects You will gain insight into tried-and-tested methods and procedures and can exchange practical experience with other participants. We will introduce you to new approaches that complement existing project management by, for example, the aspects of “holistic” and also “hybrid” project management.

Creativity: the key to innovation, problem solving, motivation and progress

Creativity and creativity techniques are crucial for the success of projects. They promote innovative ideas that lead to unique solutions and products. Complex problems can be solved more efficiently through creative approaches, as unconventional ways of thinking open up new perspectives. Creativity also increases the motivation and commitment of the project teams, as it offers the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and actively participate in the design process. In addition, creativity helps to stand out from the competition and drive progress by constantly finding new ways to optimize and improve.

Important competencies in projects are:

The best standards, the most innovative environment do not bring the desired success if employees do not have the appropriate know-how. Participants learn this in the practice-oriented ML-spectrum trainings.

Our trainings for efficient project management

Project Management Basics

You will learn what makes a project special and how to prepare, plan, execute and complete your project.

Typical problems and pitfalls of everyday project work and possible solutions are discussed. You will be sensitized for the various tasks in projects and with this knowledge you will be able to better master your project tasks and thus actively contribute to the success of the project.

Our training courses for more creativity:

Creativity techniques for quick problem solving

Lasting success is favored where new ideas are consistently developed and implemented. The participants’ existing creative potential is activated through the targeted application of very different techniques for finding solutions. The training is supplemented by the essential aspects of the organizational flow of creative processes.

In the training you will learn to describe and structure problems and to analyze them with regard to multiple objectives. You activate your creative potential through the goal-oriented application of basic heurisms for generating ideas. You will also familiarize yourself with the most important, tried-and-tested creativity techniques and learn which technique is best suited to which problem. You will practise moderating creative meetings in a goal-oriented manner and use your own practical topic as a “learning vehicle”.

Take your project management to a new level with us!

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