AI - smart assistance

AI in everyday working life

Discover our pioneering training and coaching courses on the megatrend of artificial intelligence. Our training and coaching sessions specialize in giving you an invaluable competitive edge by strengthening both your technical skills and your interpersonal skills.

Fundamentals of AI: Get a solid overview of the basic principles of AI and how to deal with AI. This will also cover the impact of AI on your work. Learn about the technologies that will drive the business world of tomorrow.

Creativity and innovation: use AI as a resource to expand your creative potential and ideas. Learn how AI technologies can help you generate different ideas more easily, allowing you to use more variance in your creative and decision-making process.

Teamwork and collaboration: learn how to successfully collaborate, resolve conflict, and communicate effectively in AI teams to achieve peak performance together.

Real-world AI use cases: Immerse yourself in real-world AI applications. Empathizing more easily in more realistic situations allows you to be even better prepared for the actual situation. This knowledge enables you to develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

Problem solving and decision making:
Use AI to analyze data and gather information to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. You can delve into unknown spheres by asking specific questions.

Hands-on exercises and projects: Put your acquired knowledge into practice by working on exercises, case studies, and real-world projects to solidify your skills.

Customer testimonials after training

Contents of our training courses:

Prompt design - foundation for successful application

Dive into the world of effective prompt design and discover how to lay the foundation for successful application of AI through clear and targeted wording. This course will provide you with the essential skills to formulate precise and result-oriented queries to AI models.

Learn how to take your AI interactions to the next level with accurate prompt designs. Enroll today and lay the foundation for a successful application of Artificial Intelligence.

Using AI - lifelong learning

In a rapidly evolving AI landscape, lifelong learning is essential. Discover how you can not only understand Artificial Intelligence, but also skillfully apply it to your professional and personal life.

Prepare to master AI and stay one step ahead in a lifelong learning process. Start your journey to a future where Artificial Intelligence plays a supporting role. Register now and take the first step!

Application and user expertise is required

Bei KI ist das Thema Verhaltensänderung und Mindset ein wichtiges. This is where Tiny Habbits, sticking with it and practicing come into their own.

One way for the head is to view the AI tools as an employee/assistant. They can take on tasks that I don’t really like. I make the decision and use the support that I can access to the extent that I want. The finishing touches are up to you.

Ready to shape the future of AI?

Contact us today to learn more about how our courses can transform your career.

The future doesn't wait - actively shape it!

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