Future Skills

Skills for the working world of tomorrow

The world of work is changing, driven by advancing digitalization, an increased commitment to sustainability and demographic change. The increasing speed with which new challenges are being presented to employees is particularly striking. This is leading to a change in job profiles and the associated activities as well as the required skills and competencies – future skills. Companies are now faced with the task of developing and promoting the skills they will need in the future through in-company training measures. We support you with tailor-made programs!

We divide Future Skills into 4 areas of expertise

Classic skills - also a future skill

The ongoing development of new technologies and increasing digitalization require an adaptation of both digital and traditional key competencies. In order to effectively meet the challenges of the future, traditional skills are particularly in demand. This includes problem-solving skills, entrepreneurial thinking, initiative and the ability to work under pressure. In addition, creative ways of thinking and the ability to communicate digitally are becoming increasingly important in order to be successful in a rapidly changing world of work.

Key digital skills

The requirements for key digital skills are expected to increase further. Basic skills such as using computers, the internet and common software, known as digital literacy, are essential. Equally important are the protection of personal data on the Internet and the critical scrutiny of online information (digital ethics). In addition, the ability to work effectively in a team using digital tools is becoming increasingly important. In addition, the demand for skills in data analysis and in dealing with new technologies such as artificial intelligence is increasing, which requires constant further training and adaptation of skills.

Transformative competencies

Non-digital skills are also becoming increasingly important for coping with social challenges and changes in the world of work. The ability to engage in dialog and resolve conflicts is central to this. Equally important are judgment and the ability to innovate. In addition, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions as well as empathy and intercultural skills are becoming increasingly important in globally networked working environments.

Technological expertise

The need for specialists who are familiar with transformative technologies is growing in all sectors. These include, for example, data scientists who analyze large amounts of data, experts in artificial intelligence, software developers and IT architects who develop and implement complex IT systems. These specialists are in high demand on the labor market and are correspondingly rare. In addition to these technical skills, people are also needed who can assess the impact of these technologies on society and develop ethical guidelines for their use.

Prepare for the future with FutureSkills!

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